Wednesday, November 27, 2019

9 jobs for people who don’t like people

9 jobs for people who don’t like people Some people thrive on human interaction, but this certainly isn’t true of everyone. Perhaps you’re an introvert. Maybe being around people actually makes your skin crawl. Of course, even people who do not like being around other people still need to work. The good news is that not every job requires an excess of human contact. Here are a few potential careers that won’t disrupt your peaceful isolation too much. 1. AuditorPerhaps you don’t mind dealing with people but don’t particularly like them. Well, if you want to be feared- maybe even hated- conducting audits could be a breezy way to spend your workday. Being an auditor is a tough, unglamorous job, but someone has to do it. It’s also ideal for anyone with a careful attention to detail who enjoys working with numbers.2. StatisticianHere’s another one for number crunchers. If you don’t like interacting with people but don’t mind considering them as statistical data th en you might decide to become a statistician. That’s no easy task, since it requires a great deal of education. However, once you earn your degrees, you’ll work alone most of the time. It’ll just be you and the numbers- and they won’t even necessarily involve people. Plus, the pay is great.3. Online Support PersonComputer lovers who not only feel okay about communicating online but actually thrive on it are ideal online support representatives. They help customers and clients troubleshoot via email or online chat systems. Online support reps spend the entire day helping people without ever having to speak out loud to a soul.4. Software DeveloperHere’s another one for people who feel more comfortable communicating via computer than in person. If you love computer work, then you might be cut out for developing software. Many software developers even get to work from home. In fact, a recent survey referenced by found that the option to work fr om home was a motivation for 40% of software developers.5. ZoologistIf you don’t have the social skills to deal with people but don’t mind interacting with quieter living beings, you might consider becoming a zoologist. You get to hang with animals for most of your day, and they just want a little love- not necessarily conversation. Plus, they don’t talk back.6. ActuarySpending long hours crunching numbers and assessing risks and benefits in almost perfect solitude is the life of the actuary. Chances are you won’t run into many colleagues when you’re burning that midnight oil at your desk.7. Postal DeliverypersonPostal deliverers may have to visit every house in a community, but they don’t really have to spend much time interacting with the people in that community. It’s you, all by your lonesome, walking or driving all day. And for those of you who are merely shy, you’ll have the gratification of delivering packages to eagerly expectant citizens who can’t wait to see you.8. Data Entry SpecialistIf you can stand the tedium of plugging numbers into spreadsheets all day long, this job might be for you. There won’t be much collaboration or a crazy number of brainstorming meetings or team building sessions. Data entry mostly leaves you with your computer terminal all day.9. SurveyorSo you don’t want to sit in an office all day long, but you really don’t want to talk to anybody? Try being a surveyor. They’re the people on the side of the road in neon outfits surveying terrain. Surveyors spend their days doing precision work in the great outdoors, and they hardly have to say a word.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Using the Spanish Word Tamao

Using the Spanish Word Tamao Tamaà ±o is the most common Spanish word for size. Here are some examples of its use as a noun. Note that it is sometimes more natural to translate sentences containing tamaà ±o by referring to the sizes themselves rather than using the word size. No sà © el tamaà ±o de tu ropa. (I dont know your clothing size.)  ¿De quà © tamaà ±o debe ser el cuestionario? (How long should the questionnaire be?) El tamaà ±o del cerebro del bebà © es sà ³lo un 25 por ciento del que tendrà © cuando sea adulto. (The size of a babys brain is only 25 percent of what it will be when shes an adult.) Quiero enviar un archivo adjunto de gran tamaà ±o. (I want to send a large attached file.) Puedes obtener un descuento en un tatuaje de cualquier tamaà ±o. (You can get a discount on a tattoo of any size.) El artista italiano crea esculturas de madera a tamaà ±o natural. (The Italian artist creates life-size wood sculptures. Tamaà ±o real could have been used here with the same meaning.) Los mamà ­feros de tamaà ±o medio pueden ser los ms propensos a extinguirse. (Medium-sized mammals can be the ones with the greatest tendency to go extinct.) El tiempo de hornear depende del tamaà ±o del pan. (The baking time depends on the size of the bread loaf.) Con el tamaà ±o familiar, obtendrs 166 lavados para todo tipo de ropa. (With the family size, youll get 166 washer loads for every type of clothing.) Voy a comprar un servidor de impresià ³n de tamaà ±o de bolsillo. (Im going to buy a pocket-size print server.) Tamaà ±o can also function as an adjective to mean such a large, such a or something similar. Note that while tamaà ±o as a noun is masculine, tamaà ±o as a adjective must match the gender and number of the noun that follows. My madre dijo tamaà ±as palabras en una de esas ocasiones. (My mother said such big words on one of those occasions.)  ¿Cà ³mo es posible que un nià ±o de siete aà ±os sea capaz de tamaà ±a aventura? (How is it possible that a 7-year-old be capable of such an adventure?) Los libros hacen tamaà ±a diferencia en las vidas del nuestros hijos. (Books make such a big difference in the lives of our children.) Es tamaà ±o insulto para la inteligencia. (Its such an insult to the intelligence.) Etymology Tamaà ±o comes from the Latin tam magnos, meaning so large. Synonyms Although not as versatile as tamaà ±o, talla is frequently used for size, especially when talking about clothing or body size: Normalmente las tallas americanas son ms grandes que las europeas. (Normally the American sizes run larger than the European ones.) Other words that sometimes translate as size include altura (height), ancho (width), capacidad (capacity), dimensià ³n (dimension), medida (measurement) and volumen (volume). Sources Sample sentences were derived from sources that include,, Cultura Inquieta,,, Jasnet de Barcelona and

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Thousand Pieces of Gold Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Thousand Pieces of Gold - Essay Example She made desperate efforts to escape, finally succeeded and hid in a bat cave from where she was caught. At that juncture Ding said to her, â€Å"Don’t you understand, you cannot escape your fate? (77) And finally she was sold a bar owner in America, got a new name Polly and finally the neighbor who won her in a card game, married her and Polly spent the rest of her life taking care of him and her community. A direct response to the question: â€Å"Do you think Ding was right . . . â€Å"(my thesis). No, Ding is absolutely wrong. A series of incidents of suffering in the life of an individual should not be quoted to condemn fate, which normally works to a pre-determined design, but can be challenged successfully by the will power of an individual. Fate (destiny) has two types of movements. Forward movement and lateral movement. Forward movement is that movement over which an individual does not own control. For example, petrol/gas in a motor vehicle is an example of forward movement. This is the source-energy without which the vehicle cannot move an inch, howsoever latest and costly the model is. The chauffeur driving the vehicle is the example of the lateral movement. He controls the movements of the vehicle with self-effort; he can take it in the direction and the speed that he wants. When negligent, accidents may happen. In the present case, that Lalu was born as the daughter of a rich farmer, that her father suffered heavy business losses, that she was sold for two bags of rice to bandits, that she was sold to a Madam and was sexually exploited, were instances of forward movements. That she made efforts to escape, that she learnt the working knowledge of English, that she decided to marry the man who freed her from the bondage of slavery and ultimately she chose to take care of her man and the community to which she belonged were the examples of lateral movement of the fate. Her fighting qualities and will power were components of her fate of late ral movement. In this part of her life she became the creator of her fate, not the victim. The working of the fate in one’s life is a complicated process difficult to understand by the power of reasoning alone, but an individual need to exert to the utmost by the exercise of the will power to emerge as the ultimate victor and seek freedom from the clutches of fate. If perfect happiness does not fall to one’s lot, one needs to learn to live life with the available happiness. Lalu changed her life with her own strength and intelligence and through her fighting qualities of head and heart. 3) 2 examples from the novel itself that support the thesis. Example 1 Through the trials and tribulations of the young but spirited girl Lalu, McCunn highlights the importance of freedom in the life of an individual. Lalu goes through the ordeal of trades of her body from bandits, houses of sexual pleasure and finally to the bar owner in the Gold Mountains, and she understands her wort h and the importance of her body from the point of view of the secular world, and that of her spirit by self-assessment. She has the good estimate of the disposition of wicked society towards a helpless women caught in the wrong place. Lalu laments, â€Å"So long as the woman satisfies that muscle below their belt, they don’t care about anything else†(95)Her reply to the remark from the comrade from the auction house

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

WTO - Trade Dispute Case Studies Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

WTO - Trade Dispute Studies - Case Study Example year 2010, Japan filed a complaint to World Trade Organization (WTO) regarding Canada’s tight measures concerning domestic content requirement in the feed in tariff program. Japan claimed that this tariff seemed to be laws and regulation that were affecting internal sales. They also claimed that the tariff was inconsistent with Article III: 4 and III: 5 of the GATT 1994. It claimed that this measures were meant for internal qualitative assessments. Japan finally alleged that this measures were like subsidy and that it could lead to price support or financial contribution or a form of income (WTO, 2014). During the resolution by WTO, USA and European Union requested to be enjoined in the case and on 1 June, 2011 Japan requested establishment of a panel. The panel after various meetings upheld Japan’s complaint under article 2.1 of WTO. Then later they found out that Canada had not implemented one of the international trade agreement (WTO,

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Comparison between Hitler and Stalin Essay Example for Free

Comparison between Hitler and Stalin Essay The complexity of Stalins character and his role becomes most apparent when a comparison is attempted between him and Hitler. Their similarities are numerous and striking. Each of them suppressed opposition without mercy or scruple. Each built up the machine of a totalitarian state and subjected his people to its constant, relentless pressure. Each tried to remould the mind of his nation to a single pattern from which any undesirable impulse or influence was excluded. Each established himself as an unchallengeable master ruling his country in accordance with a rigid Fuhrerprinzip. Here the similarities cease and the differences begin. Not in a single field has Hitler made the German nation advance beyond the point it had reached before he took power. In most fields he has thrown it back far behind; terribly far behind. The Germany he took over in 1933 was, despite economic depression and social strains and stresses, a wealthy and flourishing country. Its industry was the most efficient on the continent. Its social services were the most modern that any European nation had had. Its universities were great centres of learning, priding themselves on famous men of science. The better part of the German youth was serious, alert and idealistic. The German theatre was the object of the highest admiration and of imitation. The best German newspapers were the most intelligent and the best informed of the continental press. The Germany that Hitler left behind was impoverished and reduced to savagery. We are not speaking about the effects of Germanys defeat, but about the state of the nation, regardless of defeat. The material apparatus of production which the country possessed under Hitler was, apart from special armament plants, not essentially greater than that which it had possessed before. Its social services were half destroyed. Its universities became drilling grounds-for a generation of horrible brutes. Its famous men of science were compelled either to emigrate or to accept the guidance of SS men and to learn racialist gibberish. Its medical men were turned into specialists on the racial purity of blood and into the assassins of those whose blood was deemed impure. In the sanctuary of national philosophy Alfred Rosenberg sequestrated for himself the niche that used to be occupied by Immanuel Kant. Twelve years of education by a nazified press, radio, cinema, and theatre left the collective mind of Germany stultified and ruined. These terrible losses were not redeemed by a single positive acquisition or by a single new idea, unless one chooses to regard as new the idea that one nation or race is entitled to dominate or exterminate the others. Nor was the social structure of the nation essentially changed by national socialism. When the Nazi facade was blown away, the structure that revealed itself to the eyes of the world was the same as it had been before Hitler, with its big industrialists, its Krupps and Thyssens, its Junkers, its.middle classes, its Grossbauers, its farm labourers, and its industrial workers. Sociologically, although not politically, the Germany of 1945 was still the Germany of the Hohenzollerns, only thrown into terrible disorder and confusion by a tragically purposeless riot. What a contrast, after all, Stalinist Russia presents. The nation over which Stalin took power might, apart from small groups of educated people and advanced workers, rightly be called a nation of savages. This is not meant to cast any reflection on the Russian national character Russias backward, Asiatic condition has been her tragedy, not her fault. Stalin undertook, to quote a famous saying, to drive barbarism out of Russia by barbarous means. Because of the nature of the means he employed, much of the barbarism thrown out of Russian life has crept back into it. The nation has, nevertheless, advanced far in most fields of its existence. Its material apparatus of production, which about 1930 was still inferior to that of any medium-sized European nation, has so greatly and so rapidly expanded that Russia is now the first industrial power in Europe and the second in the world. Within little more than one decade the number of her cities and towns doubled; and her urban population gr ew by thirty millions. The number of schools of all grades has very impressively multiplied. The whole nation has been sent to school. Its mind has been so awakened that it can hardly be put back to sleep again. Its avidity for knowledge, for the sciences and the arts, has been stimulated by Stalins government to the point where it has become insatiable and embarrassing. It should be remarked that, although Stalin has kept Russia isolated from the contemporary influences of the west, he has encouraged and fostered every interest in what he calls the cultural heritage of the west. Perhaps in no country have the young been imbued with so great a respect and love for the classical literature and art of other nations as in Russia. This is one of the important differences between the educational methods of nazism and Stalinism. Another is that Stalin has not, like Hitler, forbidden the new generation to read and study the classics of their own literature whose ideological outlook does not accord with his. While tyrannizing the living poets, novelists, historians, painters, and even composers, he has displayed, on the whole, a strange pietism for the dead ones. The works of Pushkin, Gogol, Tolstoy, Chekhov, Belinsky, and many others, whose satire and criticism of past tyranny have only too often a bearing on the present, have been literally pressed into the hands of youth in millions of copies. No Russian Lessing or Heine has been burned at an auto-da-fà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½. Nor can the fact be ignored that the ideal inherent in Stalinism, one to which Stalin has given a grossly distorted expression, is not domination of man by man, or nation by nation, or race by race, but their fundamental equality. Even the proletarian dictatorship is presented as a mere transition to a classless society; and it is the community of the free and the equal, and not the dictatorship, that has remained the inspiration. Thus, there have been many positive, valuable elements in the educational influence of Stalinism, elements that are in the long run likely to turn against its worse features. Finally, the whole structure of Russian society has undergone a change so profound and so many-sided that it cannot really be reversed. It is possible to imagine a violent reaction of the Russian people itself against the state of siege in which it has been living so long. It is even possible to imagine something like a political restoration. But it is certain that even such a restoration would touch merely the surface of Russian society and that it would demonstrate its impotence vis-à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½-vis the work done by the revolution even more thoroughly than the Stuart and the Bourbon restorations had done. For of Stalinist Russia it is even truer than of any other revolutionary nation that twenty years have done the work of twenty generations. For all these reasons Stalin cannot be classed with Hitler, among the tyrants whose record is one of absolute worthlessness and futility. Hitler was the leader of a sterile counter-revolution, while Stalin has been both the leader and the exploiter of a tragic, self-contradictory but creative revolution. Like Cromwell, Robespierre and Napoleon he started as the servant of an insurgent people and made himself its master. Like Cromwell he embodies the continuity of the revolution through all its phases and metamorphoses, although his role was less prominent in the first phase. Like Robespierre he has bled white his own party; and like Napoleon he has built his half-conservative and half-revolutionary empire and carried revolution beyond the frontiers of his country. The better part of Stalins work is as certain to outlast Stalin himself as the better parts of the work of Cromwell and Napoleon have outlasted them. But in order to save it for the future and to give to it its full value, history may yet have to cleanse and reshape Stalins work as sternly as it once cleansed and reshaped the work of the English revolution after Cromwell and of the French after Napoleon. From Stalin, A Political Biography, I. Deutscher, Oxford University Press, 1949.,

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Faulkners Expression of the Human Spirit Essay -- Literary Analysis

William Faulkner accepted his Nobel Peace Prize in December 1950. During his acceptance speech, Faulkner proclaimed that the award was made not to him as a man, but to his life’s work, which was created, â€Å"out of the materials of the human spirit something which did not exist before† ( He felt that the modern writer had lost connection to his spirit and that he must reconnect with the universal truths of the heart—â€Å"love and honor and pity and pride and compassion and sacrifice† ( Through his characters voice and exposure of their spirit, Faulkner solidified man’s immortality by â€Å"lifting his heart, by reminding him of the courage and honor and hope and pride and compassion and pity and sacrifice which have been the glory of his past† (http://www.nobelprize. org/nobel_prizes/literature/laureates/1949/faulkner-speech.html). Although some critics have characterized his work as violet, dealing with immoral themes and the miseries and brutality of life; it can be argued that even his most sad and depraved characters express positive virtues and personal strengths. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the portrayal and manifestation of the human spirit in a select few of William Faulkner’s literary characters, showing that they possess both human strength and flaws. So what is the human spirit and why is it significant? It is a somewhat indefinable concept. According to Faulkner the human spirit is the connection to the universal truths of the heart—â€Å"love and honor and pity and pride and compassion and sacrifice† ( .../laureates/1949/faulkner-speech.html. 1950. Gwynn, Frederick L. and Joseph L. Blotner, eds. Faulkner in the University: Class Conferences at the University of Virginia 1957-58. New York: Vintage Books, 1959. Hoffman, Frederick J. The Art of Southern Fiction: A Study of Some Modern Novelists. Carbondale: Southern Illinois Univ. Press, 1967. Howe, Irving. William Faulkner: A Critical Study. Chicago: Univ. Chicago Press, 1975.Orig. 1951. Vintage Books, 1962. Meriwether, James B. and Michael Millgate, eds. Lion in the Garden: Interviews with William Faulkner 1926-1962. New York: Random House, 1968. O’Donnell, George M. â€Å"Faulkner’s Mythology.† William Faulkner: Four Decades of Criticism. Linda W. Wagner, ed. East Lansing, MI: MSU Press, 1973. 83-93. Teske, John A. â€Å"The Social Construction of the Human Spirit.†

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Maquiladora Industry

In this paper I will discuss the history and practices of the Maquiladora industry. I will discuss its background, its problems, the benefits it offers to United States companies, and the impact the NAFTA has and will have on the industry. In addition, I will make a suggestion on a possible strategy the Maquiladoras can adopt in order to address the challenges brought on by the NAFTA, to ensure it remains a strong force in the future. Mexican agricultural workers had been granted temporary work visas allowing them to work in the United States† agricultural industries through a program called the Bracero Program until 1965 when this program was terminated. As a result of this termination, the unemployment rate had exceeded 70% in certain border cities. In May of 1965 the Border Industrialization Program was established as a replacement for the Bracero program. It was later renamed the Maquiladora Program. The program was established by the Mexican government to provide employment for Mexico†s rapidly growing population along its border with the United States. This program was utilized to keep Mexicans from entering the United States. The idea was that Mexican workers would be kept on the Mexican side of the border if they were given factory jobs on the Mexican side. The Maquiladora program also wanted to attract foreign manufacturing facilities, technology, and know-how by giving a permanent tax holiday to manufacturing companies that would set up â€Å"twin plants† on the Mexican side of the border. In the beginning of the program, all foreign-owned operations had to be located within a 20-kilometer strip along the US-Mexican border. Since 1972 they can be located anywhere in Mexico. In 1996 there were around 2,500 Maquiladoras – 35% of them were located in the interior states of Mexico. Last year there were over 3,000 and more and more of these operations are being located outside of the border regions. Each of Mexico†s 31 states has at least one Maquiladora. Maquiladoras, also referred to as â€Å"in bond† or â€Å"twin† plants, are allowed to temporarily import into Mexico (free of tax) machinery, equipment, replacement parts, raw materials, and just about anything that was used in the assembly or manufacture of semi-finished or finished products. Once assembled or manufactured, the Maquila products must be exported unless special permission is obtained to sell a limited amount of output in the Mexican market. When these products are imported back to the United States, import duties are levied on the foreign value-added only. If Maquila products stay in Mexico, the are subject to applicable Mexican duties. The largest issue surrounding the Maquiladora industry is the exploitation of cheap labor. The working conditions are often unsafe, workers are not compensated adequately for their labor, attempts to unionize are discouraged; and sexual discrimination and harassment are too common. The conditions in and outside the Maquiladoras are terrible. Workers perform tasks such as welding without protective masks, leather gloves, or goggles (in many instances) and industrial accidents and toxic exposures are common. This, along with malnutrition caused by low salaries, produce skin illnesses, cancer, irregularities in menstruation, abortions, tumors, intoxication and birth of undernourished or disabled babies. Of the employees, many are young girls and women ranging from the ages of 14 to 20. They work 6 days a week in 10-hour shifts. The average weekly salary for a Maquiladora worker is US$35 – $45 even though the average monthly rent for a house with public services such as running water and electricity is around $200 a month. For the most part, Maquiladoras are unorganized. In those that are organized, state-controlled unions represent the workers. Although some companies are unionized on paper, the unions, for the most part, function to reinforce management policies rather than for the benefit of workers. Then there are what are called â€Å"phantom† unions. These unions do not fight for the worker†s rights. The workers do not even know them and have never seen their union leaders. When a conflict arises in a factory, management informs the worker that their unions have accept these or those conditions. Not only are they not protected by existing unions, those that attempt to unionize and are often threatened or bribed by plant managers and the government. In many companies, discrimination against and harassment of the female employees is very common. Female job applicants are required to produce urine samples to be used for pregnancy test, while some have company doctors and nurses examine the applicants or ask confidential information concerning their contraceptive practices. This is done because pregnant women are refused employment. Sexual harassment is often the rule rather than the exception. Rapes occur frequently and few are reported because women fear being fired or blacklisted. Shame and humiliation also keep them quiet. In Mexico, men and women are equal before the law, but the law does not recognize discrimination as a problem to be solved. The Pollution Brought on by the Maquiladoras The increased pollution, accompanied by the dumping of tons of hazardous wastes, poses a serious health threat to the residents of Mexico as well as the resident of the bordering US states. There are several canals that are â€Å"black† with chemical wastes that have been measured at levels that greatly exceed permissible standards. One factory was caught dumping drums of paint, solvents, and shellac into a drain. In other areas there are abandoned lead smelters and air full of soot and dust from brick-making ovens and smoldering tire dumps. Main Advantages for the United States† Companies For the United States companies this was a great advantage since Maquiladoras operates at very low costs in places where the currency is weaker than the dollar–such as Mexico. The less a currency is worth, the more relative value the dollar has. Since Mexico†s peso is relatively week, companies can trade their dollars for pesos with which they pay workers and expenses. The products they manufacture, however, are sold for dollars, increasing their profits by huge margins whenever the local currency falls. They could enhance competitiveness, reduce their costs, and maintain quality by placing their labor-intensive operations in the less developed Mexico, benefiting from the lower wage rates there. For many US companies, manufacturing in Mexico has become necessary to battle overseas competition. Since many manufacturers are moving to â€Å"just-in-time† inventory systems, the quick delivery possible from Mexico†s border towns offers a substantial advantage over Asian alternatives. The NAFTA†s Impact on the Maquiladora Industry Traditionally, Maquiladoras offered foreign businesses several advantages over other forms of direct foreign investment. Since the signing of NAFTA, however, many of these advantages are either being phased-out or granted to all Mexican companies. The most significant advantages of operating as a Maquiladoras include: 100% foreign investment, operation without ownership of assets, tax sheltering of cost centers, and 100% duty-drawback or waivers for temporary imports. Furthermore, the NAFTA attempted to address the labor exploitation and environmental problems associated with the Maquiladora industry. One of the benefits of the Maquiladora program is 100% foreign investment of Mexican operations, which formerly was not allowed. However, Mexico†s Foreign Investment Law has changed through the years (most significantly in 1989 and 1994)-full investment is now allowed in most business ventures. Operation Without Ownership of Assets Another advantage that Maquiladoras have is that they can receive production materials and capital goods as loans from their parent and client companies. As a result, most Maquiladoras have little of no inventory of fixed assets, eliminating the need to pay the Mexican asset tax of 2% of all assets. In January 1995, the Mexican IRS reported that Maquiladoras would now have to factor the depreciation of â€Å"loaned† assets in price-transfer calculations, which is the first step toward phasing-out this advantage by 2001. When Maquiladoras are structured as cost center (providing manufacturing services for a foreign parent) the foreign corporation has traditionally paid the Mexican company for operating costs plus negligible profit. By doing this they avoid Mexico†s 34% corporate income tax, 10% mandatory profit sharing, and asset taxes. Now the Mexican IRS is changing the way Maquiladoras must declare assets. Over the next few years, Maquiladoras will be forced to raise their declared profit percentage to a rate that is comparable to that of two unrelated companies performing the same transaction at â€Å"arm†s length†. This is the type of transfer pricing procedure that is implemented by most trading blocks, like the EC. It will soon be effect throughout North America. 100% Duty-Drawback or Waivers for Temporary Imports Maquiladoras have always allowed Mexican companies 100% duty drawback or waivers in imported components that are exported as final goods. Since 1994, this has provided many Maquiladora programs a way to use non-NAFTA materials within products without the need to pay the corresponding duties over those materials when importing or exporting goods to other NAFTA nations. On January 1, 2001, Maquiladoras that manufacture goods for export to NAFTA partner countries will no longer be allowed to take the waiver. The waiver will still be available for goods that are going to non-NAFTA countries. In 1995 the NAFTA†s of Labor created the National Administrative Office (NAO) as well as the North American Agreement on Labor Cooperation (NAALC). Both were intended to stop labor abuses. The NOA was established to monitor labor complaints that NAFTA critic†s voice regarding unfair labor practices. The NAO can recommend â€Å"ministerial consultations† as well as imposed heavy sanctions against Mexico. Unfortunately, the side agreements proved useless. The NOA cannot force Maquiladoras to allow unions-the most they can do is recommend â€Å"ministerial consultations.† Sexual harassment and discrimination continues as well. The NAFTA has also created side agreements covering the environment. One of them is the North American Development Bank (NAD Bank). Its purpose was to finance wastewater treatment projects along the border in the poorer communities. However, the most important criteria that needed to be met in order to receive funds were meeting certain market considerations. With this program NAFTA â€Å"encouraged† growth without regard for the environment through its practice of placing market consideration above environmental protection. Another is the Commission for Economic Cooperation (CEC). The CEC was established to investigate governmental non-enforcement of environmental laws. Unfortunately it has no power to enforce ,they can only investigate-and they can†t even do that until Mexico collects the data on the pollution for them. Possible Strategy for the Maquiladora Industry As long as the Mexican currency is weaker than the US dollar I don†t think that the changes are going to dramatically effect the flow of US companies to the south. However, the Maquiladora industry cannot count on this for continued growth. By the year 2001 the Maquiladora industry as we know it now will have significantly changed when the phasing out is complete. Maquiladoras will no longer be â€Å"tax break† establishments; they will be just like other foreign investments. In order for them to fully compete in the near future they must become more efficient and leaner. The impact of globalization is forcing manufacturers to produce more rapidly and cheaply than ever before and to continuously improve. Because there will be no differentiation between the non-Maquiladora and Maquiladora industries I feel the inefficient producers will be wiped out. Therefor, Maquiladora employees will need better training, education, incentives as well improved working conditions and hi gher wages. Operations will also have to be streamlined in order to reap the benefits of economies of scale and scope. In addition, Mexicans as well as US citizens will start to demand more accountability from the Mexican government and the Maquiladora industry. They need to be more responsible for their actions. What will the U.S. corporations do when human rights activists and environmentalists start lobbying and protesting on their US sites? Do they want to risk losing their shareholders to this type of negative attention?

Sunday, November 10, 2019

The Silver Linings Playbook Chapter 39

An Episode Seems Inevitable I rise before dawn on Christmas morning and begin my weight-lifting routine. I am nervous about being reunited with Nikki today, so I double-time my exercises in an effort to work off my anxiety. I realize the note Tiffany gave me last night suggests that Nikki might not be interested in meeting me at that special place once dusk rolls around, but I also know that in the movies, just when the main character is about to give up, something surprising happens, which leads to the happy ending. I'm pretty sure that this is the part of my movie when something surprising will happen, so I am trusting in God, who I know will not let me down. If I have faith, if I go to that special place, something beautiful will happen when the sun sets – I can feel it. When I hear Christmas music, I stop lifting and go upstairs. My mother is cooking eggs and bacon. Coffee is brewing. â€Å"Merry Christmas,† Mom says, and gives me a little kiss on the cheek. â€Å"Don't forget your pills.† I take the orange bottles from the cabinet and twist off the lids. As I swallow my last pill, my father comes into the kitchen and throws the newspaper's plastic cover into the waste bucket. When he turns and heads for the family room, my mother says, â€Å"Merry Christmas, Patrick.† â€Å"Merry Christmas,† Dad mumbles. We eat eggs and bacon and toast together as a family, but no one says much. In the living room we sit around the tree. Mom opens her present from Dad. It's a diamond necklace from some department store – tiny diamonds in the shape of a heart on a thin gold chain. I know for a fact that Mom has a similar necklace, because she wears it almost every day. My father probably gave her the same thing last year, but Mom acts really surprised and says, â€Å"Patrick, you shouldn't have,† before she kisses my father on the lips and then hugs him. Even though Dad doesn't hug Mom back, I can tell he is happy, because he sort of smirks. Next, we give Dad his present, which is from both Mom and me. He tears off the wrapping paper and holds up an authentic Eagles jersey, not one with iron-on decals. â€Å"Why doesn't it have any numbers or a name on it?† he asks. â€Å"Since McNabb went down, we thought you'd want to pick a new favorite player,† Mom says. â€Å"So when you do, we'll have the correct number and name sewn onto the jersey.† â€Å"Don't waste your money,† Dad says, putting the jersey back into the box. â€Å"They won't win today without McNabb. They're not going to make the play-offs. I'm done watching that lousy excuse for a football team.† Mom smiles at me because I told her that Dad would say as much, even though the Eagles have been playing pretty well. But Mom and I both know Dad will be watching the Eagles play the Cowboys later today and will pick a new favorite player late next summer – after watching one or two preseason games – at which time he will say something like, â€Å"Jeanie, where's my authentic Eagles jersey? I want to get those numbers sewn on before the season starts.† A few dozen presents are for me, all of which Mom bought and wrapped. I get a new Eagles sweatshirt, new running shoes, workout clothes, dress clothes, a few ties, a brand-new leather jacket, and a special running watch that will help me time my runs and will even calculate the calories I burn while running. And – â€Å"Jesus Christ, Jeanie. How many presents did you buy the kid?† Dad says, but in a way that lets us know he is not really all that mad. After we eat lunch, I shower and put on underarm deodorant, some of my father's cologne, and one of my new running outfits. â€Å"I'm going to try out my new watch,† I tell Mom. â€Å"Caitlin and your brother will be here in an hour,† Mom says. â€Å"So don't be too long.† â€Å"I won't,† I say just before I exit the house. In the garage, I change into the dress clothes I hid there earlier in the week – tweed pants, a black button-down shirt, leather loafers, and the expensive overcoat my father no longer wears. Next, I walk to the Collingswood PATCO stop and catch the 1:45 train to Philadelphia. It begins to rain lightly. I get off at Eighth and Market, walk through the drizzle to City Hall, and catch an Orange Line train headed north. Not many people are on the train, and underground it does not feel like Christmas at all. But the trash-smelling steam that wafts in at every stop when the doors open, the marker graffiti on the orange seat across from me, the half-eaten hamburger lying bunless in the aisle – none of it brings me down, because I am about to be reunited with Nikki. Apart time is finally about to end. I get off at Broad and Olney and climb the steps up into North Philly, where it is raining a little harder. Even though I remember being mugged twice near this subway stop when I was a college student, I do not worry, mostly because it's Christmas and I am a lot stronger than I used to be when I was an undergraduate. On Broad Street I see a few black people, which gets me thinking about Danny and how he always used to talk about going to live with his aunt in North Philly just as soon as he got out of the bad place – especially whenever I mentioned my graduating from La Salle University, which is apparently close to where Danny's aunt lives. I wonder if Danny ever made it out of the bad place, and the thought of him having Christmas in a mental institution makes me really sad because Danny was a good friend to me. I stick my hands into my dad's overcoat pockets as I walk down Olney. With the rain, it is sort of cold. Soon I am seeing the blue-and-yellow flags that line the campus streets, and it makes me feel happy and sad at the same time to be back at La Salle – almost like looking at old pictures of people who have either died or with whom you have lost contact. When I get to the library, I turn left and walk past the tennis courts, where I make a right and stroll past the security building. Beyond the tennis courts is a walled-in hill, with so many trees you'd never believe it was in North Philly if someone had led you here blindfolded and then removed the blindfold and asked, â€Å"Where do you think you are?† At the bottom of the hill is a Japanese teahouse, which is as picturesque as it is out of place in North Philly, although I have never been inside to have tea – because it is a private teahouse – so maybe the inside has a city feel to it; I don't know. Nikki and I used to meet on this hill, behind an old oak tree, and sit on the grass for hours. Surprisingly, not many students hung out in this spot. Maybe they did not know it was there. Maybe no one else thought it was a nice spot. But Nikki loved sitting on the grassy hill and looking down at the Japanese teahouse, feeling as though she were somewhere else in the world – somewhere other than North Philadelphia. And if it weren't for the occasional car horn or gunshot in the distance, I would have believed I was in Japan when I was sitting on that hill, even though I have never been to Japan and don't really know what being in that particular country is like. I sit down under a huge tree – on a dry spot of grass – and wait. Rain clouds swallowed the sun a long time ago, but when I look at my watch, the numbers officially make it dusk. My chest starts to feel tight; I notice that I am shaking and breathing heavily. I hold my hand out to see how bad the shakes are, and my hand is flapping like the wing of a bird, or maybe it is as if I am hot and trying to fan myself with my fingers. I try to make it stop, and when I can't, I shove both hands into my father's overcoat pockets, hoping Nikki will not notice my nervousness when she shows up. It grows darker, and then even darker. Finally, I close my eyes, and after a time, I begin to pray: Dear God: If I did something wrong, please let me know what it was so I can make amends. As I search my memory, I can't think of anything that would make You mad, except for my punching the Giants fan a few months ago, but I already asked for forgiveness regarding that slip, and I thought we had moved on. Please make Nikki show up. When I open my eyes, please let her be there. Maybe there was traffic, or she forgot how to get to La Salle? She always used to get lost in the city. I'm okay with her not showing up exactly at dusk, but please let her know that I am still here waiting and will wait all night if I have to. Please, God. I'll do anything. If You make her show up when I open – I smell a woman's perfume. I recognize the scent. I breathe in deeply to ready myself. I open my eyes. â€Å"I'm fucking sorry, okay?† she says, but it's not Nikki. â€Å"I never thought it would lead to this. So I'm just going to be honest now. My therapist thought you were stuck in a constant state of denial because you were never afforded closure, and I thought I might afford you closure by pretending to be Nikki. So I made up the whole liaison thing in an effort to provide you closure, hoping you would snap out of your funk and would be able to move on with your life once you understood that being reunited with your ex-wife was an impossibility. I wrote all the letters myself. Okay? I never even contacted Nikki. She doesn't even know you're sitting here. Maybe she doesn't even know you are out of the neural health facility. She's not coming, Pat. I'm sorry.† I'm staring up into Tiffany's soaking-wet face – wet hair, runny makeup – and I can hardly believe that it's not Nikki. Her words do not register at first, but when they do, I feel my chest heating up, and an episode seems inevitable. My eyes burn. My face flushes. Suddenly I realize that for the past two months I have been completely delusional, that Nikki is never coming back and apart time is going to last forever. Nikki. Is. Never. Coming. Back. Never. I want to hit Tiffany. I want to pound her face with my knuckles until the bones in my hands crumble and Tiffany is completely unrecognizable, until she no longer has a face from which she can spew lies. â€Å"But everything I said in the letters was true. Nikki did divorce you, and she is remarried, and she even took out a restraining order against you. I got all the information from – â€Å" â€Å"You liar!† I say, realizing that I am now crying again. â€Å"Ronnie told me that I shouldn't trust you. That you were nothing but a – â€Å" â€Å"Please, just listen to me. I know this is a shock. But you need to face reality, Pat. You've been lying to yourself for years! I needed to do something drastic to help you. But I never thought – â€Å" â€Å"Why?† I say, feeling as if I might vomit, feeling as though my hands might find Tiffany's throat at any moment. â€Å"Why did you do this to me?† Tiffany looks into my eyes for what seems like a long time, and then her voice sort of quivers like my mom's does when she is saying something she really truly means. Tiffany says, â€Å"Because, I'm in love with you.† And then I am up and running. At first Tiffany follows me, but – even though I am in my leather loafers and it is raining pretty steadily now – I am able to find the man speed she does not have, running faster than I ever have before, and after taking enough turns and weaving through enough traffic, I look back and Tiffany is gone, so I slow my running a bit and jog aimlessly for what seems like hours. I sweat through the rain, and my father's overcoat becomes very heavy. I can't even begin to think about what this all means. Betrayed by Tiffany. Betrayed by God. Betrayed by my own movie. I'm still crying. I'm still jogging. And then I'm praying again, but not in a nice way. God, I didn't ask for a million dollars. I didn't ask to be famous and powerful. I didn't even ask for Nikki to take me back. I only asked for a meeting. A single face-to-face conversation. All I've done since I left the bad place was try to improve myself – to become exactly what You tell everyone to be: a good person. And here I am running through North Philly on a rainy Christmas Day – all alone. Why did You give us so many stories about miracles? Why did You send Your Son down from heaven? Why did You give us movies if life doesn't ever end well? What kind of fucking God are You? Do You want me to be miserable for the rest of my life? Do You – Something hits my shin hard, and then my palms are sliding across the wet concrete. I feel kicks landing on my back, my legs, my arms. I curl up into a ball, trying to protect myself, but the kicking continues. When it feels as though my kidneys have exploded, I look up to see who is doing this to me, but I only see the bottom of a sneaker just before it strikes my face.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

buy custom Intellectual Property essay

buy custom Intellectual Property essay a) Issues Associated with Spam Email is considered one of the most efficient ways of communicating to customers, friends and employees. These days, unsolicited commercial emails (spam) make a large percentage of emails. One can get spammed for many reasons including; personal, commercial, criminal, political and religious reasons. Spam are kind of electronic junk mail or junk news group postings. Spam not only waste peoples time but do also eat up a lot of network bandwidth. Spam has been found to be one of the biggest challenge facing internet users, service providers and corporations. It has led to wastage of billions of money in network resources, forgone Internet sales and diminishing productivity. b) Impacts of changing technology on intellectual property issues There has been an ongoing debate on the impact of technological progress on IPR. With this regard, one empirical literature suggests that technological hindrances have conventionally offered protection to intellectual property. With the recent rapid technological change, the technological barriers among people are reducing at a faster rate as people become IT literate. This has impacted negatively on the process of IPR protection as the number of people using materials unsuitably increases. Technological shifts have especially impacted negatively on the enterainment industry where the protection of IPR has been violated to a great extent. However, technological progress has also impacted positively on IPR protection. It is important to note that prior to invention of the printing press in the 13th century, intellectual material copying was entirely manual and hence cumbersome. This had failed to offer adequate protection to intellectual property. The introduction of the printing pres s raised the level of protection to the intellectual property. c) Copyright laws and its impact on information systems According to copyright laws, an author owns the exclusive rights to his/her composition. The composition is protected for many years. In this case the composition is considered to be an intellectual property. The copyright may be transferred, sold, or inherited but the copyright still endures. Copy right laws have impacted on information technology in various ways. This is because the copyright Acts exclusive rights provision gives a developer and a publisher the right to control unauthorized exploitation of their work. A person is supposed to secure protection of what he/she has come up with. Copy right protection has promoted the progress of science and useful Arts. d) Software piracy Issue Software piracy is an illegal business and is associated with ownership of information. Software piracy leads to a heavy loss of revenue, spread of malware and computer hacking. Nowadays, software is being leased rather than being sold. The lease is often for a limited time and is renewed in order for one to continue using the product. Software piracy includes downloading unlicensed copies of software from the internet, making copies of disks, selling counterfeit online or elsewhere, using counterfeit or unlicensed copies or installation of one licensed copy of software onto multiple computers. e) Issues for software developers Since software is usually expensive, it is imperative to clearly understand the IPR issues related to them. There have emerged several trends in relation to IPR for software. First is the issue of multiple developers. If software has been developed by more than one software developer, all the developers have the right over that software and as such, they must join hands as co-authors of the software in question in obtaining IPR. The second issue relating to IPR for software developers is the issue of rights for software developing companies. To this effect, an owner of a company that develops software may have not been granted the civil rights to his own corporation. Finally, it is possible to sell software via a different company that is independent from the developing company. Buy custom Intellectual Property essay

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

How to add value and Substance to your Dissertation Writing Process

How to add value and Substance to your Dissertation Writing Process How to add value and Substance to your Dissertation Writing Process To be clear, a dissertation comes toward the end of a PhD program. Actually, it is the end product that shapes a person’s career. The dissertation does not occur until all exams have been completed. Keep in mind; research is a large component of the PhD process. Topic Selection and Proposal When the coursework is finished, the topic would have been selected and the students research would be in full gear. At this point in the program the student develops a proposal. The dissertation process is not easy and for most students, it is challenging. Dissertation writing requires perseverance and a determination to complete the necessary research to make the paper comprehensive, clear and factual. Don’t put off the research! One of the most important things you need to do with dissertation writing is to not put it off. Begin setting up a plan on how you will go about the writing and then stick with it. Another important aspect that will help is to develop your ideas is to write down topics that you find interesting and then discuss those ideas with your adviser and fellow students. Most importantly, do not choose a topic that doesn’t interest you. It must be a topic that you can get into so that you stay with the dissertation. Talk with your fellow students about how and what you can add to your dissertation. Such communication will add quality and substance to your dissertation. It is most important that you keep in touch with your adviser and talk with him or her when you become confused. Make your research thorough It is most important that you conduct thorough research because it will be the base of a good and interesting dissertation. Be careful not to limit yourself to research articles, books and online web sources. Bring in new sources of information such as topics that correlate with what most people are interested in. This can be done by creating a questionnaire and asking family and friends to fill them out. This is just one way that will help you get your dissertation done. To conclude, dissertation writing is not easy; however, there are ways to facilitate your writing such as creating a questionnaire and asking friends and family to fill them out. Check out and find out about the many fine writing services we offer!

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Caravaggio, Vincent van Gogh, Picasso, Matisse, Georges de la Tour Essay

Caravaggio, Vincent van Gogh, Picasso, Matisse, Georges de la Tour - Essay Example The essay "Caravaggio, Vincent van Gogh, Picasso, Matisse, Georges de la Tour" examines the history of art and focuses on such important artists as Georges de la Tour, Caravaggio, Vincent van Gogh, Picasso and Matisse. The paintings of La Tour's maturity are marked by a startling geometric simplification of the human form and by the depiction of interior scenes lit only by the glare of candles or torches. His religious paintings done in this manner have a monumental simplicity and a stillness that expresses both contemplative quiet and wonder. The chronology and authenticity of some works attributed to him are still debated. Georges de la Tour used two kinds of lighting in his pictures. One was natural lighting, where people were illuminated from above with cool white light--like the painting reproduced with this article. The other kind of lighting he used was for nighttime pictures. They were called "nocturnes." The light for these pictures came from a single source, such as a fire or a candle. Georges de la Tour is considered to be a follower of Caravaggio due to his dependency on specific elements of the Caravaggesque style. Most notably the use of chiaroscuro and tenebristic techniques. In his interpretation of those certain stylistic qualties, however, Georges was unique in his design and composition, and presented an entirely new way of looking at common realistic works of art. Georges de la Tour is classed as a realist. Realist he is in that his subjects, predominantly if not exclusively religious. , are represented in terms of "real" life, often the life of his own country-town and surroundings in Lorraine. But he avoided naturalism; rather, he chose to simplify, modelling his forms by marked contrasts of light and shade, and using large volumes and severe lines, with great selective economy of detail" (Furness 70, 1996). 2 George de la Tour's attention to mood is a predominant quality that pervades his works. The paintings, especially the night scenes, have an almost meditative or pensive quality about them. Though the subject matter may, at times, be rather ambiguous, the spirituality communicated through the mood diminishes the importance of deciphering what scene we're looking at. Rather, the focus is on the way the painting makes us, as the viewer, feel through simple observation. A visual element that helps the viewer to focus on the scene before them is achieved through the absence of a background in the scenes. George De La Tour's sparsely populated pictures almost always represent scenes that take place nowhere, if they are judged by the almost complete absence of scenery. The boundaries of the settings are, nevertheless, delineated. There appear to be walls, but they have no texture and the colour is not descriptive. Georges de la Tour's works can be distinguished most especially through the unique use of lighting in his nocturnal scenes. The paintings are lit with a candle, a nightlight, or a torch, which are sometimes visible or are, at other times, hidden behind a figure's hand or another object. As for his less numerous and less popular daylight scenes, the figures are rendered with an acute eye to detail and a simplicity within the scene that is not found in the works of any other artist at the time. In examining various

Friday, November 1, 2019

Sociology- Egoistic Suicide Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Sociology- Egoistic Suicide - Research Paper Example The sociologist’s contribution to our understanding of suicide â€Å"is the relationship between society and the person who commits suicide† (Holmes & Holmes 25). According to Durkheim, egoistic suicide is illustrated by the â€Å"greater rate of suicide among modern individuals in the liberal, more educated, more well-to-do classes† (Lemert 46). This type of suicide is caused not by knowledge and education itself, but by the individual becoming too individualistic as a result of modern society’s failure to integrate the individual and provide moral protection. Egoistic suicide is sometimes the outcome of a person no longer finding a basis for existence in life. Thesis Statement: The purpose of this paper is to examine Durkheim’s theory of egoistic suicide, identify the similarities and differences between egoistic suicide and other types of suicide, and discuss Durkheim’s theory on the rates of egoistic suicides. Emile Durkheim’s Theo ry of Egoistic Suicide In Durkheim’s (1951) book on suicide, the sociologist delineated the fundamental differences in rates and types of suicide between traditional and modern societies (Appelrouth & Edles 111). Egoistic suicide results from a pathological weakening of the bonds between an individual and the social group. According to Durkheim’s theory, the two explanatory variables are integration and regulation. In societies where integration is low egoistic suicide results; when integration is high altruistic suicide results; when regulation is low anomic suicide results; and when regulation is high fatalistic suicide results† (Breault & Barkey 321). The extent of regulation in society depends on the extent of its control on the emotions and motivations of individual members. Breault & Barkey (p.321) conducted a comparative cross-national test of Durkheim’s theory of egoistic suicide involving indicators of religious, family, and political integration; while excluding the theory of regulation. The results of the study showed that the relationships between religious integration and suicide, family integration and suicide, and between political integration and suicide are inversely proportional. Further, the relationships between the independent and dependent variables are strong and very significant. Together, the researchers’ indicators of relgious, family and political integration explain about 76 percent of the variation in international rates of suicide. Egoistic Suicide in Relation to the other Types of Suicide A similarity between anomic and egoistic suicide is that both spring from the individual’s inadequate engagement with society. In egoistic suicide there is a lack of interactions in society and collective or group activity in the person’s life, thereby causing an emptiness deprived of purpose and meaning. However, in anomic suicide, society’s influence on controlling an individual’s p assions is lacking, causing an absence of a check-rein (Lemert 47). Thus, in egoistic suicide life may have been unbearable because of excessive self-discipline, while in anomic suicide life may have been unbearable due to inadequate self-discipline (Broom & Selznick 30). Similarly, there is both likeness and difference between egoistic and fatalistic suicide, because in both types one of the components is a lack of integration with society as a result of which life becomes devoid of meaning. However, in fatalistic suicide the person suffers a trapped feeling, and believes there is no escape (Lemert 47). In egoistic suicide there is no cause the individual dies for, the most important factor is the individual. This person